
Why it is Essential to Create Consistent Rules for Kids After Divorce

Divorce can leave children feeling stressed and anxious about the future and going back and forth between two different households can add to that stress, especially if they lack consistent routines and clearly articulated rules. You and your former spouse must work together to nurture stability in their lives by establishing routines and rules for them to follow, so they can feel safe, secure, and less uneasy about the future.

Establishing Rules and Routines for Your Kids

Collaborating with your former spouse to establish a set of rules and routines might seem like a big task for you to tackle, but it will also make your lives easier in the long run. If there is a major discrepancy in both households, it will create tension and problems between both parents and the children. That said, it would be unreasonable to expect you and your former spouse to have identical parenting styles, so you should aim to agree on bigger, key issues. For example, if you have older children, curfew may be a more important rule for you to establish. If you have younger children, you may want to focus more on establishing morning and bedtime routines.

When children have a set of consistent rules and routines, they will feel less anxious about the future, develop healthy habits, and understand boundaries. Moreover, consistency across both households will lead to less tension and help ensure one parent is not perceived as more lenient when it comes to discipline.

Here are some questions you and your former spouse should answer while working together to establish rules and routines for your children:

  • How will you communicate the rules to your children?
  • Will one parent be responsible for certain issues?
  • Are you willing to be flexible on any issues?
  • Are there issues you are unwilling to compromise on?
  • What are the penalties for not complying with the rules?
  • How will you reward good behavior?

These are just a few questions you and your co-parent should answer as you collaborate to create consistency across both households.

Reach Out to Our Knowledgeable Family Law Team Today!

Divorce is a difficult experience for families to endure and problems may continue long after it is finalized. If you need legal assistance in the aftermath of your divorce, reach out to the team at the Law Office of Greg Quimby, P.C. for the representation you need. Our experienced family law attorneys can help you secure the best possible results for your case.

Call our law office today at (719) 212-4227 for a consultation to discuss the details of your case with a member of our team.

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