
Why You Shouldn’t Rush Your Divorce

Common Mistakes Made During a Divorce

Divorce is inherently an uncomfortable, unhappy process. It is natural to want to get it over as quickly as possible. However, we urge you not to rush through your divorce. As with all things, rushing through leaves you more vulnerable to errors, and when dealing with important legal and financial matters (like divorce and property division), the last thing you want is errors.

Rushing through a divorce can lead to several problems, including:

  • An unfair property division settlement
  • An unfair debt division settlement
  • Misvalued assets
  • Missing hidden or forgotten assets
  • Custody agreements that don’t work long-term

Another major problem with rushing through a divorce is that you potentially lose control over the details of your divorce settlement. Those looking to get things over as quickly as possible are more likely to agree to settlements that disadvantage them and are more likely to skip alternative dispute resolution methods, like mediation and arbitration. These alternatives often give people greater autonomy during the divorce process and can lead to more successful resolutions and long-term satisfaction with their settlement.

Keep reading for our top three mistakes to avoid during a divorce.

Mistake #1: Refusing to Negotiate & Immediately Accepting What Is Offered

People trying to hurry through the divorce process are more likely just to accept the initial terms presented to them by their spouse. However, doing so can put you at a disadvantage, especially if you don’t review the settlement terms. While this can lead to you not getting your fair share of your joint assets, another major problem is that you risk the court not accepting the settlement. If this happens, you’ll have to start the negotiation process all over again.

This not only wastes time, but it wastes your money as you’ll need to pay your attorneys to re-negotiate the settlement.

Mistake #2: Trusting that the Other Party Will Do the Right Thing

Like the above point, assuming that your former partner will always do the right thing and will be fair regarding things like property division or spousal support, you cannot risk this not happening. Divorce can bring the worst out in people, and even if you are both on the same page regarding the desire to divorce, they may not behave as you expect them to. Therefore, always take the time to review any divorce paperwork or settlement agreements with your attorney to ensure that your best interests are being represented and protected.

Mistake #3: Not Hiring Legal Representation

While DIY divorces are possible, they are not recommended. Often, people look into the DIY divorce route because they think their divorce situation is simple and straightforward. They erroneously believe they are saving time and money by not hiring a lawyer. This is rarely the case.

You may also think you don’t need an attorney’s help because you and your spouse are on good terms. However, when dealing with important legal issues, like divorce, you should always have legal representation.

Unless you and your spouse are family law attorneys, you are unlikely to know the ins and outs of family court and Colorado divorce laws. Consequently, you and your spouse may have the best intentions but not appreciate the long-term impact these decisions will have on your lives. You also risk making critical errors.

Divorce is hard, and you deserve support. You also deserve to work with reliable legal representation that will take the time needed to ensure that your divorce process is completed correctly and efficiently.

If you are considering divorce or have already started the process, the Law Office of Greg Quimby, P.C. is here to help. Give us a call or send us a message online to discuss your case.

Review our blog for more tips on how to avoid common divorce mistakes.

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